Now is the time to give.

Donating is an investment in our community.

 Donate Now!

Customize your one-time  -OR-  monthly donation using Paypal or a credit card


Monthly Donation Breakdown
$83.34 per month over 5 years 
is a $5,000 Founders Donation

$300.00 per month over 5 years
 is a $18,000 Builders Donation

$600.00 per month over 5 years
 is a $36,000 Benefactors Donation

See our Dedication Opportunities page for more options:
Dedication Opportunities

Donations can also be made

 with  Zelle using as the identifier.

A check may be sent to:

Lahser Road Mikvah

22334 Chatsford Circuit Road

Southfield, MI 48034

Please fill out name and address for tax receipts to be sent to you.

EIN: 82-2713014

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